igniton |
Ignition state: 0 – off, 1 – on |
battery |
The current volume of the backup battery |
charging |
Whether the backup battery is charging when the main power supply is connected.
0 – not charging
1 – charging |
data_type |
The data reported to backend server is recorded before or after crash:
0 – before crash
1 – after crash |
Engine Stop |
Can connect relay to stop car’s engine |
gsm_signal |
GPS signal status:
0 – lost GPS signal or no successful GPS fix
1 – GPS signal recovered and successful GPS fix |
gps_acc |
GPS accuracy |
pwr_ext |
The voltage of the external power supply |
pwr_int |
The voltage of the backup battery. The value of this field is only valid when the external power is not connected. |
soft_ver |
The software version |
state |
The current motion state of device:
Fake Tow
Ignition Off Rest
Ignition Off Motion
Ignition On Rest
Ignition On Motion
Sensor Rest
Sensor Motion |